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If I say the name "Jesus", does it cause a start
In the emotional region of your heart
And bring forth a shout of victory
Because through that name you're completely free?

Does communion illustrate what Jesus said
About His body being the broken bread?
Won't His blood cleanse your sin and mine,
Though represented by a little wine?

And though these elements are but a sign,
Doesn't a tingle go up and down your spine
When you got over the initial shock
Of being no longer timed by Satan's clock?

Your future secure in the Master's hands
Because Satan was defused by His commands.
Now doesn't it give your heart a thrill
That no one else can save you but Jesus will?

To Him your life is an open page
And the Elements you've taken have set the stage
For Him to make you completely free
Of the sin that weighs so heavily.

Though you may have launched on a sea of guilt,
Safe harbor's at the table that Love has built.
Elements so carefully and lovingly displayed,
Representing the Sacrifice Jesus made.

We've a right to the tingle up and down our spine
When we partake of the bread and the wine.
Our heart is now a place where love can abide,
For Jesus has taken up Residence inside.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope