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If the end of life, for you, is just another role
In which you struggle onward toward a nameless goal
You haven't given thought to the wrongs that you have done
And your only interest is the trophies you have won.

If the events of each day are like playing a game
And you could never allow yourself to bear the blame
For bursting someone's bubble or interrupting his dreams
When all it does is perpetuate your own schemes

If you have forgotten that when you were a child
Your precious Mother who was so loving and mild
Said wherever you go, or whatever you do
Never forget that God's Son, Jesus, died for you.

Maybe you weren't listening when she told of His love
How He was as peaceful and gentle as a dove,
How His Heavenly Father sent him down to Earth,
Knowing that, although a king, He must, by human birth,

Bear all the frailties and sicknesses of all Mankind
As well as their sins, trials and temptations combined,
Be falsely accused and hung on a cross to die,
Pay a price of agonizing death, so that you and I

Might lay upon Him the sins and conflicts of this life,
Every habit or vice, temptation, trial or strife.
As you see him, in your mind's eye, hanging there,
Remember, He said, Cast upon me every care.

Go ahead! Do it now! you'll see He cares for you
Ask Jesus for forgiveness, he'll give it to you, too,
If you really repent and give Jesus your whole heart,
You'll be so happy with the Love He will impart.

He'll replace the anger with joy and happiness,
All life's sorrow will dissipate, less and less
You'll find living for Jesus sweeter in every way,
And all because He came into your heart today.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope