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The Creator's Love

You are no stranger to sorrow and have lived in the shadow of pain. The losses you have suffered seem to bind your heart like a chain. Your daily search of the scriptures never seems to reveal any purpose or reason for all the anguish you feel.

You've wondered if God has allowed all these trials to be in order to spare you all the sorrow that He alone can see. And I know your struggle to exonerate your personal belief that you should be victorious and free from sorrow and grief,

To justify conviction deep within your soul that somehow I still am firmly in control. The world is in chaos and is filled with iniquity and nations suffer the most who have turned away from me.

Humans endure indignities,leaders have hearts of stone, millions are exterminated, the rest too weak to groan. Now, I didn't create the suffering and pandemonium that exists, but I designed the axis on which your planet lists.

The Earth is in a Galaxy that is vast, far and wide., yet man cannot comprehend a single ocean's tide, or discover the wonders of his own Earth's galaxy, with myriad's more worlds man can never see.

how can the finite mind hope to understand how I hold all those galaxies in the palm of my hand? Yet, everything that happens, whatever it may be does not include provisions for reasoning that man can see.

I am the God of eternity, and you may not know my ways, but you can have my fellowship through prayer, thanksgiving and praise. Bear in mind, while wondering, and questioning, too, that the God of all the Universe has given his Son for you.

Who created the angels and stars and descended from heaven's throne? Sharing every trial, every day, and claims you for his very own. Taking upon Himself all the burdens that make you sad, Replacing them with liberty, and unity to make you glad.

Then elevates your Spirit to a height where you can choose to give the Holy Spirit a utensil he can use. by living in his word, being available by choice, a vessel that responds when He hears the Master's voice.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

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