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How often have you heard or read how Christ was crucified?
And sung the songs at Easter about how He bled and died?
Has your heart grown calloused so that when the story is told
You've heard it so many times the re-telling leaves you cold?

If you're no longer filled with passion for God's gift on Golgotha's hill,
Here's a thought to pray about, to ponder if you will.
In that day, criminals, when executed, were crucified.
To a large, crude wooden cross their hands and feet were tied.

They hung for many weary hours, till finally the crowd, with knives,
And stones, and staves and swords, brutally took their lives.
But the Son of God fared differentially, His blood must be shed
So that we, for our atonement, might offer IT in our stead .

Picture, if you will, the hands that had never done aught but good;
The hammer raised, a long pointed nail smashing through flesh into wood.
His feet then laid to the cross, again the hammer comes down,
And blood oozes from around the nails, and from the thorns in his crown.

And now, as they raise the cross up over the pre-dug hole,
It drops with a thud that almost rends body from soul.
The tearing flesh - the agony through his body couldn't compare
With all the sins of the world which Jesus had to bear.

He gave his life Himself, "It is finished," Jesus said,
And when they came to break his bones - Jesus was already dead.
And the Triumph of Easter and our redemption you know,
For Jesus is risen!!!, For God's word tells us so.

Beckoning with nail-pierced hands, He knocks at your hearts door,
Now, will you with your rejection, crucify Jesus once more?
Or will you Receive Him now, and be from sin set free,
Released from the pangs of death, and with Jesus for Eternity.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope (written April 2, 1969)

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope