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In the days when Babylon was at the peak of its fame
A young captive lived there and Daniel was his Name.
King Nebuchadnezzar's forces had conquered Jerusalem
They chose children of high intelligence, Daniel was the best of them.

He was given a room in the palace with windows facing East
And every passing day, His wisdom and faith increased.
From the time He was a baby He'd been taught to worship God,
Who was now with Him daily, every single step he trod.

God gave him superior wisdom a favorite of the king,
Who called upon Him often with questions about everything.
Local prophets who were once favored magicians and seers
Were now being encumbered with many doubts and fears.

So in envy they plotted a fate both fearful and grim
Displeasing the king would be the end of him.
Anyone will be fed to the Lions if He prays
To anyone but the king within the next three deays.

But Daniel prayed at his window, eastward each day,
His esteem for God greater than peril in any way.
Of course, he was caught, and taken before the King,
Who then said, "Daniel, your God can do anything.

So Daniel was thrown into the Hungry Lion's Den
And the King, being the most regretful of all men,
Hurried to the Lion's den very early the next day.
And called, "Daniel, Have the Lions harmed you in any way?

God closed their mouths" was Daniel's calm reply,
And all night long,there was an angel close by."
Then the order was given that they should make haste to bring
Those men who had devised a law to trick the King.

And they, their wives and children ,in the den were thrown.
And the message then to everyone was shown:
Trust God and be faithful in whatever you do,
And God, who is faithful, will bring you safely through.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope