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The Day Of Rest

In the days of Jeremiah before his voice was muted, I told my people daily, that my Sabbaths were polluted. From the day I gave the law to the people of my choice, each time I sent a Prophet they did not heed his voice.

For several hundred years in mighty word and deed, My Prophets walked among them, but the people gave no heed. I exhorted and admonished - "observe my day of rest, and of all earth's good things, you shall have the best.

Only keep my Sabbaths Holy, set aside that day for me, to worship, love and praise the God who loveth thee". I promised great prosperity, the cattle on a thousand hills, the constant presence of the Lord, and Joy that God fulfills.

But they did not heed my warning, for each went his own way, seeking pleasure or business on my Holy day. disobeying my commandments, breaking every law, and worshiping in idolatry nearly everything they saw.

Their punishment was slavery, famine and war, with disease and sickness rampant, and to hear my voice no more. I took my presence from them, no Prophet they would hear, no longer filled with gladness, only poverty and fear.

Four hundred years would pass until Messiah's day, My Son would walk among them and they would hear Him say: "Repent ye, return ye to God, forsake your ways of Sin. I give you a law of Love that Ye may live therein".

I sent Him to fulfill the law, to redeem my chosen race, to be a ransom for them all, begin the day of Grace. In ignorance and jealousy they took the sinless one, and used my Sabbath law to crucify my Son.

A law they hadn't kept for several hundred years, but now they used it, thinking it would take away their fears. Unknowingly fulfilling prophecy, they sent Him to his death, but for them He asked forgiveness with his dying breath.

Thus the Son of God became the final sacrifice to redeem the world forever and His blood the only price. He satisfied the Law of God, and redeemed them, and you, then proved to all the world what He was sent to do.

For on the day appointed as they had heard Him say, the Son of God arose, alive, on that third victorious day. But what if his own people had not rejected Him? Their future, and yours, would have been eternally grim.

Had there been no sacrifice, there could have been no way to receive you to myself on that great and final day. But my Son bled, and died, instead of them - and you and in resurrection promised to share His glory too.

As Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and asking nothing more than to set aside a day for him, to worship and adore, and praise the whole day long, that He may strengthen you, to work, and live victoriously your whole life through.

By F.W. "Lucky" Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope