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Has discouragement become a part of your everyday life
That successfully becomes the emotional knife
That cuts into your relationship with God and Man,
As it has since human independance began?

Or, down the ages, when the fires of defeat are fed,
When discouragement first rears its ugly head,
And turns into malice in the furnace of your heart
Then the hate and bitterness that slowly tears you apart,
And grows like a cancer, surely depriving you
of any trace of joy, peace, or happiness you ever knew,
Destroying all ambition, erasing every goal,
Resulting only in misery for body and soul.
My friend, when you feel it could never be worse,
Just remember, the creator of the Universe
Intended as part of His original plan,
To be a constant friend and companion to man,
And guide his footsteps, help in every trial,
Uplift his spirits, and love him all the while.

But, man turned from God and went his evil way,
Plunging into sin and darkness, deeper every day.
Now, there was only one thing left for Almighty God to do,
So, he sent his only son, to bleed and die for you.

And that blood was the ransom price to save your soul from Hell,
And establish forever, His love for you as well.
Now, what you didn't know was,that, all through the years,
Whenever you had problems, trials, anguish or tears,
There has never been a time, whether good, - bad, - or worse,
When you couldn't have gone to the Master of the Universe,
And for two reasons obtained the help to see you through:
Because you accepted His Son, and because of His love for you.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope