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What Did You Do?

When all the Nations are gathered around the Throne
And Jesus has claimed those redeemed for His own,
Every soul in God's kingdom must answer on cue,
"Did you testify to others what I have done for you?"

For in life, there were those caught in Sin's mire and mud
Whose lives could be changed by the redeeming blood
That was shed when I died on the cross, for you,
And gave you liberty as you struggled through

A path that was lined with evil and shame
For your life of sin I took the blame.
By God's law death was the final penalty
And I paid the price and set you free.

In a world where Evil was loose and rife
Did you tell anyone that Jesus could change a life?
If they had a trial that they were going through,
And needed Christ's love, Child, what did you do?

If someone needed prayer for illness or pain
Did you go and show them that My Word is plain
That they can cast upon me every care
And that I have promised to hear every prayer?

That they can call upon me in their time of need
And they do not need to shout, or beg, or plead,
But simply tell the Father the reason why they came
And also tell Him they're asking it IN MY NAME?

Will someone be Judged for sin and you didn't pray
And when you had the chance you didn't say:
Repent and be baptized in Jesus name
Whose life would never again have been the same?

When faced by someone in obvious distress,
Did you say "Jesus can clean up this mess?"
Or did you remain Silent when Jesus asks you
The resounding question "My Child, what did you do?"

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope