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When Doctors and specialists don't know what's wrong
With the medicines they have prescribed for so long,
That used to be effective if the dosage was correct,
And they knew exactly when they would take effect.

But, as Jesus said, new pestilences have occurred
Which our well-known medicines have not deterred.
People get a virus of an entirely different strain,
Take weeks to get well, then come down with it again.

Millions have been spent on Cancer and Aids
Because they cause a fear that never fades
And the patients know that every breath
Brings them ever closer to a violent death.

The start of Eternity is getting very Near
And time for the Savior of the world to appear
Exactly as it is recorded in God's word,
And all the drugs and cures you ever heard

Would be good for any kind of treatment or cure
Will be totally useless and obscure,
God's people will be absolutely free
And need no Doctor but Jesus for all Eternity

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope
Dr. Francis (Lucky) Hope