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Omnipotent God created all that is - with just a word or a nod,
All humanity was created by this omniscient, changeless God
His love for what he created on earth caused him to give them a place
Where they could survive in comfort, and meet him face to face.

Now Satan, an evil, conspiring tempter, persuaded man to sin
And man lost that close kinship with God and the friend that God had been.
He then decreed that with bloodshed one's sins could be remitted
And from the Paradise book of life his name was not omitted

But there were so many people for whom blood had not been shed
And restitution for sin could not be made after they were dead
So the God of Love sent his only Son to be the final sacrifice
And full pardon came to man when Jesus paid the price

The price of bloodshed on a cross at Calvary
Was complete propitiation for sinners like you and me.
Jesus, the Father and Holy Spirit are a blessed Trinity
And no one can understand how three in one can be.

For all three were present when Jesus arose from the dead,
And all three took part in everything He did and said.
After His resurrection He gave this message, very clear:
"Go ye into all the world without tremor or fear."

Everywhere, in every nation this Gospel must be preached
The call to you is go, every person must be reached
With the message that without special words or fuss
The Blood that Jesus shed saves Sinners, just like us.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope