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My Dream

One night I was restless could hardly sleep.
And at four in the morning when shadows creep,
I was awakened by the sounds of an unruly mob
with pulsating chants beginning to throb.

There, on the crest of a nearby hill,
Naked, shiv'ring from the morning chill,
Three men hung upon crosses of wood,
The mob, now silent, around them stood.

And as I waited at the edge of the crowd,
The one in the middle spoke aloud
Committing His Mother's care to a friend
So that to her needs he would attend.

Then he turned and shifted his gaze,
Which I will remember the rest of my days.
Though he was dying He looked into my soul,
and I realized I'd only been playing a role,

No one had to tell me, this was Jesus, I knew,
Who endured hell on earth for me and you.
I was allowed to see all my sin at first hand
So that I might both receive and understand

That His death on the cross in my place
Was only a measure of God's Glorious grace.
And when I asked Jesus to forgive my sin,
I opened my heart and He entered in.

He'd let me live a vivid dream in the night
So I would ask you to make your soul right,
To give your heart to Jesus and be made free,
And one day enter Heaven prepared for you and me.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope