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Girl Of My Dreams

Do you believe in dreams? Do you believe they come true?
Well, in these next few lines. I shall try to prove that they do.
Several years ago, when I was just a young boy,
I dreamed a dream that filled my heart with joy.

I saw a beautiful girl in a garden of flowers rare,
But the rarest of all was the girl with the dark brown hair.
Eyes of brown seemed to beckon, to call me nearer to her,
And before I came any closer, I was lost to her allure.

I was entranced by her beauty, the face through which character shone
And the whole place seemed to brighten just by her smile alone.
Then again she beckoned, as again I tried to draw near,
But as I drew closer she would fade and then disappear.

I awoke and found myself reaching as though for a star,
Then I thought I heard silvery laughter echo from somewhere afar.
Many times in my dreams I saw this girl, so very, very near,
Yet every time I drew closer to her, she'd always disappear.

Then I began to look for her, High and low I sought,
Every waking hour I spent, but she simply would not be caught.
For many years it was the same, I searched for her everywhere,
But never could my goal be gained, my beautiful flower so fair.

However, one day I saw her, this beautiful girl of my dreams,
And I said to myself, my search is o'er, this very day it seems.
When I'd made my quest clear, we discovered that we were in love,
And I can swear this is all very true by the gracious God above.

Now my quest being over, I'll neither search, worry nor scheme,
For I've found the one I sought after, the beautiful girl in my Dream.
She no longer disappears, or requires a place to hide,
For the beautiful girl in the garden, has become my gorgeous bride.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Reflections by Lucky Hope