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Dr. Francis (Lucky) Hope

I think of Dr Hope with a smile upon my face,
Of how he helps the human race.
His medicine is one of a kind,
It helps the soul and eases the mind.

He doesn't prescribe pills or drugs of any kind,
He just write words that ease the mind.
He doesn't use a scaffold or knife,
He writes poetry for hope and eternal life.

He writes of our Savior, who's above.
Who gives us life and eternal love.
He helps to mend our hearts and soul,
So that we can reach that heavenly goal.

How Jesus is an important part,
Who can heal a broken heart.
If you body is weak and needs repair,
Look to Jesus He's always there.

He writes of Jesus' saving grace,
And how to get to that heavenly place.
Through hopes and prayers you can win,
And you can tell Jesus at the end.

"Thanks for Dr. Hope doing his part,
I would have died with a broken heart.
He healed my broken spirit and broken bones,
Now I walk with Jesus, I'm not alone."

By Deon

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope