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The Easy Way

There's a flaw in the way you walk and talk
And you can't seem to correct it on your own.
For with what measures you use to adjust them
The short comings and habits have grown.

The steps you've taken haven't gotten you
Any closer to the Lord
And nothing is so indistinct as the goals
That you are working toward.

Your struggles keep you indifferent
to other people's lives,
And you never see a person's pain
Or suffering as He strives

To eke a living by efforts
That are not enough for his need
You look the other way
So you don't have to intercede.

You've heard all your life that the Sabbath
Is a day of Worship and rest,
But you only go to God's house
For funerals and Weddings at best.

And now you have a problem
Your life has been torn apart
The one you love so dearly
Is gone now and crushing your heart.

So you think you can run to God's house
And find comfort to ease the pain
And without changing your own heart
Take away this ache from your brain.

But if you've come to God;s house
Looking for peace of mind
You must turn your life around
And leave all the garbage behind.

You don't need to be told that
You've been living a life of Sin
But God has provided a way
That you can have peace within.

First accept God's Son Jesus
And believe that he died for you,
He shed his blood on a cruel cross
So you can begin life anew

Just say Jesus Forgive me
For living a life so wild
Accept him as your Savior
You then become God's Child

Turn your problems over to Jesus,
Go ahead, completely unwind,
He's your Savior now and He'll give you
Absolute peace of mind.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope