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The Elderly

God has placed some older men and women in his Church
Your best source of Wisdom, wherever you may search.
He's taught them to be reverent that you may imitate,
Their presence in God's house to worship and meditate

Older people should be sound in the Doctrine of God's word
And able to convey meaning to things they have heard.
Teaching the younger to follow Jesus every day
And to represent The Master in all they do and say

Being an example in the way they act and talk
Knowing that the world is watching like a hawk.
Righteous Husbands respecting and loving their wives,
Who, in turn, will be obedient all their lives

Living in the fear and admonition of the Lord,
Demonstrating that two can live in one accord.
If they follow his instructions day and night
And love one another with all their might.
By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope