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Letter to the Embassy

I wish to speak for my Son Jon Hope
And his Uzbekistani Fiancee
Ms. Avanesova's quest for a Visa
And Journey to the U.S.A.

First, Jon is a responsible citizen
Of outstanding integrity
Who studied international relations
And earned a Master's Degree.

And all the Autistic People
Under His direction and care
Are reaping the benefits of the assistance
He is known for everywhere.

He holds a responsible position
With advancement a month ago.
As Sponsor for Ms. Avanesova,
The most reliable you'll ever know.

She would never become a burden
Upon City, County or state,
Her whole existence will be upon Him
And His ability to perpetuate.

And now as a World War Two Veteran,
A B-24 Flight Engineer,
I urge you to welcome this woman
To this Country we hold so dear.

By granting her the Visa
She has been so anxious to see,
So Ms. Avamesova and my Son
Can both be happy and free.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Reflections by Lucky Hope