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Esteem and Trust

Life has many obstacles that you meet from day to day,
Coping with them as they happen, in your own human way.
Sometimes they are difficult and consume a lot of time
That erodes away your efforts in your professional climb.

Some obstacles you dispatch because they are so small,
While others are so disguised you almost trip and fall.
Your emotions are suspended and you don't know what to think
About relationships with people who push you to the brink

Whom you once cared about but they recently have shown
The only circumstances they care about are their own,
That individual you once thought you could really trust
Has deflated your self esteem and crushed it to dust.

Every venture you launched that might have been a success
Was beached at the start because you made the wrong guess.
you are Christ's child and you have given Him your heart
But the reason everything you've tried has fallen apart,

Is because when you were on top and your heart taking wings
You gave Jesus all the praise, but when there were little things
That didn't seem to go so good, some little event or strife,
It's because you failed to give Jesus every part of your life.

If you take Him into confidence and give Him every single bit,
He will be responsible for whatever happens to it
You'll find that with Jesus, no matter how things come out,
You will really know, that, without a shadow of doubt

No matter what the outcome of any escapade,
Or the end result of any mistakes you've made,
Wherever you may go and whatever you may do,
You'll know Jesus really loves, and cares for you

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope