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You should know I'm still here, I never went away,
Because my accomplishments are here to stay
The life I lived upon the Earth was only a breath,
Just because my earthly tour was cut short by death

Doesn't mean we're separated, I said I'm still here,
You just can't feel my touch, but I want to make it clear,
You can feel my presence in the words I left behind,
The surest connection with me that you'll ever find.

My quirks and experiences are very much alive,
My phrases, and praises, will continue to thrive.
Quips and verbal jabs are hanging in the air
For they are reminders to let you know I care.

Having never been endowed with physical charms,
You can reminisce being held in my arms.
Now, although circumstances may have been severe,
There are other indications that I am still here.

Look in God's word, for you will find throughout
What praising Jesus and Eternal Life is all about.
You'll see that in my life from beginning to end,
I've taken every step with Jesus, my friend.

And all the years of worship and praise
Are the internal me, that loves and stays.
My words are still here to exalt Christ's name
To Glorify God by my fervent claim

To follow Him through peace or strife
For He controls my breath as well as my life
Now He has placed all my work in your care.
And all the memories? You'll find are still there.

I knew how to worship and I knew how to pray
Because I walked with Jesus every day
I knew every word He said was true,
And this is the legacy I leave for you

My whole life's desires, God's promise to me
Was to save my household, my entire family.
And when you know Him the way I do
My wishes and dreams will all come true.

I don't want you in sorrow that my life is now past,
But rejoicing instead, I'm with Jesus at last.
But, I am still here, like I said at the start,
For I will remain in your thoughts, and in your heart.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope