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Christmas Eve

Soon it will be Christmas Eve and most people will celebrate
With revelry and carousing and staying out very late.
They think that this is a season for giving and receiving gifts,
For drinking toasts to forget the sands that time always sifts.

Finding themselves in a stupor, doing things they hadn't ought,
And with loud voices cursing the ravages sin has wrought.
To them Christmas Eve is purely a morbid and feeble excuse
For being a bore to acquaintances and turning their morals loose.

Their attention span drops to zero when they see nativity scenes
And they haven't got a clue what the Birth of Jesus means.
For them it only means it's a time to revel and play,
Giving no thought to what happened to make it a holiday.

But one day they will play no more, The day of reckoning will come,
They won't be able to rely on drinks that make their senses numb,
They'll wish that they had listened when the story of Jesus was told
Instead will bow in shame as their deeds in this life unfold.

The story will be told of the Christ Child that they refused to hear
As they recall the hateful words they used to scoff and sneer.
They'll wish that they had taken the time to hear and believe
In the Christ whose birth we celebrate every Christmas Eve.

Of course it's not the exact day of our saviors humble birth
It's just a day to remember his coming from Heaven to Earth.
There'll be many who'll regret sorrowfully that they didn't believe
In the savior we sing about every Christmas Eve.

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope