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Father's Day

We honor Fathers once a year on a day that's set aside,
With a few cards, a few gifts, a ritual cut and dried.
Then He goes back into oblivion, to toil another year,
work to support his family, or wipe away a tear when

His child becomes heartbroken. Or scrapes a bloody knee.
But rarely do we acknowledge accomplishments we don't see.
Maintaining a house and yard, yet it's not quite clear
When we made use of his talents; and only honor him once a year.

We Have a Father in Heaven who can hear us when we pray.
People do the same thing, they only honor Him one day.
They go to church on Easter and seem to have no fear,
But can't prepare for eternity going to church once a year.

By the same token, our earthly fathers are honored once a year.
We make lots of excuses and on the surface it would appear
That we're sure we love them, there really isn't any doubt
In our minds, thinking nothing has been left out.

They know that all year long, nothing has been said.
Then each year, in June, there came a card which read
"Happy Father's Day", but it gave his heart a tug,
For it doesn't contain a tenth of the love that's in a hug.

So, if you feel guilty and love your Dad at all,
And it's been quite a while since you gave him a call,
He really would appreciate it a lot more, you know,
(If you really love Him) You went and told him so.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope