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If you have a handicap that doesn't really show,
It's just a kind of nuisance, and relatives all know
that you have problems, but look the other way
while making excuses that you're getting better every day,

And actually you know, in the deep recesses of your mind,
they are only lame words, but the best they can find
to explain away intolerance for the things you cannot do,
And your feeling of injustice for what life has put you through.

When people are curious and simply stop and stare,
And thinking you are ignorant, they are totally unaware
Of the discomfort and inconveniences along the lonely road,
Acting so superior, you think you might explode.

After they have gone you're still trying to contain
The words you've bottled up inside, trying to hide the pain,
Then, knowing Christ the Savior withstood lots more than you,
You calm down simply because HE expects you to.

They watch as you function or have trouble with your food,
not caring that it's impolite or that they're being rude
If they only had a pleasant word or gesture to impart
It would make your day much better and take hard feeling from your heart.

You should know most people care, just don't know what to do,
If you want to see them change, then just start changing you.
Tell them Jesus loves them and He'll give them peace of mind,
And at his second coming, THEY won't be left behind.

You'll start a conversation that could make them change their goal,
Could win their soul for Jesus, He'll cleanse and make them whole.
They'll have a new desire to live for Jesus every day,
giving God the Glory that they met you along the way.

F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope