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The Final Sacrifice

I have heard how Jesus bled and died at Calvary,
And how he gave his life for people just like me.
Throughout his life He knew how he was going to die,
He told his closest friends who didn't ask Him Why.

He'd lived a life so pure that they had never dreamed
That anyone could be as untouched as He seemed.
He was so full of knowledge, and wise beyond compare
A gentle and quiet manner proved to be quite rare.

People gathered in crowds to hear his words so plain
And how he softly told them "Ye must be born again".
There, common folks listened and followed him with joy
But heads of state and priesthood he was able to annoy.

They gathered together to see if they could put him down
And the best they could do was to hire the local clown,
Who tried to trap Him into saying something wrong
But Jesus, knowing he was crafty, all along,

Caught him with his words and turned his plot around,
And left him fumbling for words He never found.
In every situation the outcome was the same
When people tried and couldn't besmirch his Holy name.

Finally the Priesthood hired some men to all agree
To Lie and say that Jesus was the common enemy.
So they all agreed that Jesus must be put to Death,
Who committed his Soul to God with His dying breath.

He became the final sacrifice for people just like me
And God accepts that blood that was shed at Calvary,
Making us free forever, from all the guilt and shame,
If we believe in Jesus, and merely call upon his Name.

The key to our Salvation, completely reconciled,
Accepting Jesus and becoming God's own child,
Singing the praises of the Savior we adore,
On our way to Heaven, to be with Jesus evermore.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope