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I walked today, in the dream world of my sleep
And saw weeds of the field piled in a heap.
The field had been harvested, I was soon to lean
That the weeds had been gathered, ready to burn.

The weeds had been dragged to a place at one side,
And only rich earth could be seen far and wide.
Then a worker came and set the weeds on fire,
And I watch as they became a fiery, glowing pyre.

Soon the field was empty, the pile of weeds was gone,
And only ashes could be seen by the following dawn.
Then the field was ready with furrows neatly knurled
And as I reflected, I thought that's so like the world.

With sin and evil, the Earth is overgrown,
Followers of evil are just like weed and stone.
God's people are vexed with evil day and night,
Which, like weeds, are hindrances in God's sight.

But God tolerates them hoping they will turn,
Avoiding sin and evil and the fate they will earn.
Because He provided a way to shed the shame
By sending His Son to bear all the blame.

Since God's only atonement for sin is death,
His Son paid your penalty with dying breath.
Now you can accept Him and escape the fire,
And reach the Heaven to which all would aspire.

God's Son, Jesus, arose, victoriously, from the dead,
Destroying the fuel by which the fire of Hell is fed.
Just believe on His name and your soul is free,
And you will be with Jesus for all Eternity
By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope