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Heaven For Sure

If you get old and crotchety about climbing the stairs,
Or stooping to tie shoes because of discomfort it bears,
If stiffness in joints makes walking anywhere a strain,
Or physical exercise can't be done without pain,

If Vision get dim because of age or some disease,
And you get irritable because you can't go where you please,
Thank God you can climb stairs or tie shoes at all,
Or walk or exercise without taking a fall,

When you must get help from a relative or a friend,
Just be glad there is someone on whom you can depend.
If it gets difficult to bathe or comb your hair,
Give God praise and thanks and He'll send someone to care.

When minutes and hours grow short and remaining days are few,
Let your spirits be raised and joyful because God cares for you.
Although you have been sinful, God sent his only Son
To make a place in Heaven when your days on Earth are done.

Death and Hell is required for all the Evil that you do,
But God's Son Jesus paid the entire debt for you.
He died on a cross in degradation and shame
In order to Save your soul and clear you of all blame.

Take Jesus as your Savior and receive Him in your heart
And He will give you Happiness and a complete new start.
No matter if circumstance takes you through the pangs of death,
You'll be assured of Heaven when you've taken your last breath.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope