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How many times has the instance occurred
In which some one misused God's Holy Word,
Whether taught to do so, or on their own
The seeds of fraud are openly sown.

When adding or dropping a word is meant
To change the original intent,
Or using a portion of The Creator's command
To cause someone else to misunderstand

And lose the promise of pardon within,
THAT perpetrator is guilty of sin.
Some, nosy and witless, go door to door
Teaching a different book, and more.

Some promote Bibles that Omit many parts
Which will cleanse and change human hearts
Deliver from sin and set them free
To live for Jesus victoriously.

Now, before this Poem comes to an end
There is something you must comprehend.
There are many translations which stay with fact,
And though the true meaning is kept intact,

Some words may be changed with extreme care
That every truth in God's word is still there,
Not altering any thought or intent,
But helping us know what the Creator meant.

For the Salvation story is just the same,
And God knows you by your very own name.
The translation you've read is just a small part,
What matters most is Jesus in your heart.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope 8/7/08

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope