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Each day is a struggle to overcome your past
And an overwhelming desire to find peace at last.
Because of what happened a long time ago,
And when you came to me, I said "My child, I know

That you've had ups and downs, I've known every thought,
Your anger over the things that you've been taught.
How you went through life, always trying to get
A safer distance mentally, from obstructions you have met.

Going through life thinking that a smile would hide
The turbulence and turmoil that lurk inside.
You finally came to Jesus thinking the rest of your life
Would finally be free from those thoughts, the mental strife.

You gave your heart to me, but discovered the next day
The disgraceful thoughts, the torture, had not really gone away.
My child, I did not fall short of your hopes and expectations,
for although you came to me in great anticipation,

You thought you couldn't be forgiven for that one thing that haunts
And, dear child, that's exactly what Satan wants.
To rob you of the knowledge that my blood covers all sin,
Even that unforgotten one that lies so deep within.

That self-denial has proven to be the vicious curse
That prevented the Master of the Universe
from taking care of the problem, and all you had to do,
Was to believe he gave His blood, and died, for you.

For the creator of Earth, life, and all that exists,
Has the power to straighten whatever Satan twists,
Causing the sorrows, the years and tears combined
To be ripped into nonexistence from your troubled mind.

You took Him as your Savior, now take Him as your Lord,
Heaven forever with Him will be your reward.
Just believe that the living Christ of all Eternity
Shed His blood and died, so that You can be free

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope