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The Final Second

The man counted the pills he decided he had to take.
He thought it was his stomach that was keeping him awake
Then the pain was very sharp, from his diaphragm to his throat,
And at times he was very sure it was just some stomach bloat.

But as he turned the light out He felt the pangs of Alarm
As a searing pain swept from his shoulder down his arm.
He'd once heard a TV Program about blocked Arteries and Hearts
The sharp pain of a heart attack and how it usually starts.

He instantly knew that the stabbing pain that he was feeling now
And was causing beads of sweat to form upon his fevered brow,
The statements they had made then, there was now no need to prove
Because even with great effort, He was unable to move.

"This can't be," He said, "Because I'm only thirty five,
I've got so many things to do, I've got to stay alive"
But as his weakened heartbeats pounded in his ears,
Two clock ticks were ending his stray and faithless years.

He panicked as the pain in his shoulder and arm increased,
He was having a heart attack or a stroke, to say the very least.
Then he remembered hearing a Minister once who had said:
"There is no chance for repentance after you are dead.

He also knew it wasn't right between Himself and God.
And when given the opportunity He only had to nod
And slip one hand into the air, High above his head
As he heard the gentle words the Evangelist had said:

Is there one here who will open your heart to Jesus today?
And let the precious blood He shed wash all your sin away
But He sat there motionless, stubbornly frozen in His seat,
Not knowing that the remaining moments of life are so fleet

When He felt that first pain and the initial shock
In a heart that He had thought was as strong as a Rock.
The final breath was taken before He realized it was too late,
To Give His heart to Jesus, and come to terms with fate.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope