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Freedom's Song

When you awaken in the morning
If there's no song in your heart,
And you thought those who have
Are just playing a simple part.

In a drama that lasts a lifetime
And doesn't follow any trend.
but exists in unhappiness and fear
And quietly disappears at the end.

And if you live in total uncertainty
Whether there is life after death,
Thinking there is only nothingness
When one has taken the last breath.

Let me introduce you to Jesus
Master of the Universe
Sent by God the Father
To Free us from Sin's Curse.

In God's word, in James, Chapter one
In verses fourteen and fifteen,
Every man is drawn away by lust,
And by God's decree, unclean,

Condemned by God the Father
Because that lust is sin,
To the flames of Eternal Hell,
By the lust and the evil within.

Repent today and receive Jesus,
Escape eternal death and be
Joyful for the rest of your entire life,
And Happy and forever free.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope