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God's Angels

There are times in every Christian's life when Angels will be near.
We are not allowed to see them because they'd fill us with great fear.
All physical productivity and mental activity would cease,
It's a time when most advisable to get down on your knees.

They are such awesome creatures, full of God's presence and power,
With the answer to your need, that very desperate hour.
You neither see nor hear them nor the answer you require,
But let your heart be joyful, for God knows your desire.

For in His Word He has promised to care for your needs,
For Jesus is at His right hand, and for you intercedes.
It is then He sends his angels, who surround you with the power
To solve your urgent problem and give you peace that very hour.

Of course you cannot see them, but they're there just the same,
For God always sends Angels when you call on Jesus' name.
For they must bear you up, lest you should trip on Satan's Stone,
And carry out the promise that you never are alone.

Even if you don't see Angels, rest assured they're really there,
Because his Word admonishes to Cast on Him your Care.
When you've given Jesus every problem, every thought,
And you stand upon the promises his precious blood his bought,

You won't need to look for Angels, you'll know they are there,
A whole Army of them, if necessary, to answer you heart's prayer.
For Angels are God's Messengers in answer to your pleas,
Who God sent to you when you got down on your knees.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope