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God's Grace

Many people do not realize How really precious their life is,
Or that God, with love, cares greatly for them that are His.
And as we go daily with trials of the human Race,
Unaware of His presence or the riches of His Grace,

We get so caught up with the affairs of this world
That when illness comes and the pangs of death unfurled,
That God is still the Master over life and death
And has the power to postpone that final breath.

Though we live in a world where evil is rife,
Prepared to meet the one who has power over life,
If trials and tests are all met by his grace,
Assured we will one day meet Him face to face.

Until that day comes we endeavor to spend
Our time serving Jesus and when Satan would end
Our life by sudden illness or fatal blow,
And God decides it's not our time to go.

And restores our body to health and strength,
Extending our life span's normal length
Showing the world that our healing came
Because we serve Jesus and exalt His Name.

Our love for God increases day by day
And His love is shown in what we do and say.
His Power and Grace come shining through,
That others may want to know Jesus too.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope