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Are you one who thinks gifts and giving
Should come but once a year?
Or that you should limit your giving
To just those that you hold dear?

What if the God of the Universe gave gifts
To only a precious few?
In that case there would have been nothing
For people like me and you

The epitome of extreme generosity
Is our Heavenly Father above,
And one of his first gifts to mankind
Was the ability to love.

This ability was not given
To just one tribe or Nation,
God gave that gift to us
With great anticipation.

Because He wanted a someone
On whom he could depend
To be his close companion
and also his dearest friend

He created man with the ability
To live a very long life,
And just to do something nice for him
He gave him a loving wife

That gift turned to tragedy
For she listened to Satan's guile
And that cost man the opportunity
To live a very long while

All down the ages, through God
man's spirit lifts
When He exercises carefully
One of God's precious gifts

All men have at least one gift
No one is left out
For God's word promises this
Without a single doubt

He gave his Holy Spirit
Then gave many gifts to men
So that man could be truly blessed
And glorify God again.

Gifts like pastors and teachers,
Talents are God's gifts, too,
And then to show this sinful world
That his giving wasn't through,

He gave his only begotten Son
To die for you and me
He satisfied Sin's dreaded law
And gave us eternity

By F.W.(Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope