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May I show you a picture using words instead of hues?
To show how every man on earth must pay his rightful dues.
But first we see a righteous God, creator of all things,
So disgusted with the errant ways of people, nations and kings,

Allowing that the sacrifices of animals and birds
Could cover up their wickedness and hide their evil words.
But down the annals of time it was only a compromise
That never took away the sin, just hid it from God's eyes.

And man, took that blood of all the animals that died,
And fulfilled the law of sacrifice but it left him the same inside.
For all the sacrifices of all the animals on all the altars ever built,
Only appeased their righteous God and never took away the guilt.

So, God devised a new plan that would wipe away man's sin,
Restoring fellowship with God, and, finally, peace within.
By sending His only Son, a sacrifice, final and complete,
His blood to be shed, and nails through his hands and feet.

And man would come to Him in the name of His precious Son,
Under the cleansing sacrifice of the Blood of that Sinless one.
The sins now washed away, the guilt forever gone,
His life now fresh and new like the breaking of a glorious dawn.

Giving life to all the world and only one sacrifice to claim:
The blood of God's Son, Jesus, and simply offer it in His name.
A miracle now takes place, and man is forever set free,
And God says:
"welcome home, my child - now abide with my Son - and me."

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope