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The Glory Of Victory

I knelt down one day, I felt a need to pray,
When I was down on the floor, I didn't know what to say.
I needed to talk to God about some things I can't afford,
I started out by saying "You know my needs, dear Lord."

I told God how anxious I was to acquire different things
I went on to tell Him the saving each one brings.
And how these different items would save me so much time,
And the balance in my checkbook would be sure to climb.

I told God about my ailments, about my relatives and friends,
And as I was repeating from a list that never ends,
It looked like my prayers were mostly about myself,
I was leaving God high and dry up on a shelf.

I was telling God all my problems and my needs
It was like digging in my garden and giving God my weeds.
My cup of answered prayers is full to the brim,
Yet I have not been giving my thanks to Him.

All this time I've been telling God about my wants,
Asking for help against Satan's lies and taunts.
And in God's word it's written that from earliest days,
The Hebrews always came to God with worship and praise.

They used cymbals and drums to make a joyful noise,
With all the sounds of gladness the happy heart employs.
They had reason for all their joy and levity,
In God's word it's written, it's there for all to see,

If an enemy ten times bigger came to destroy them all,
They didn't have to worry, they had a God on whom to call,
When they gathered at the temple to worship, sing and praise,
They were always victorious until they changed their ways.

When they had forsaken the God who'd made them strong,
When they stopped Praising and taking God along.
They lost every battle, were captured and made slaves,
Because they forgot it is really God who saves.

So when there comes a time of trials and woes,
And you've given your heart to God, Satan knows
If you come to God with Joy, Loudly sing and praise,
He'll win every single battle, through out your nights and days.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope