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Giving Prophecy

Until now it would have seemed absurd
That you would have a prophetic word
Because you've never been gifted that way,
But God knows the depth in your heart
You've been true to him from the start,
And He knows, when He tells you what to say,

You will be swift to meditate
Until you don't need to hesitate,
To let a spark of life from heaven shine through.
Your words will then express
God's pleasure and willingness
To put Himself in what you say and do.

But first, before you can be heard
You must meditate in God's word
Giving credence to whatever you say;
When you are anointed and speak
And much prayer has kept you meek,
God will bless others in his own way.

You'll be a usable, Godly soul
Who is not just playing a role
But is closely adhering to God's will
Other people then can see
What a servant they could be
If God chooses their lives to fill.

So make all the thoughts of your mind
Remain the sacred and Holy kind
And the Holy Spirit will then control your speech.
And your life He will command
And will help you understand
How to use all that He will teach.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope