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God's Plan

The Sun came up this morning as it has done since Creation began
The Moon in its lonely orbit fulfilling its part of God's Plan,
All the planets in their courses are the wisdom of God revealed,
Just as the Ocean's regularity, the flowers blooming in the field.

All of nature responding to God's original plan
To create a world in perfection just to accommodate man.
Never appreciated or given the praise He was due,
He formulated a plan that would include me and you.

After centuries of prophets, teachers and seers
Who warned of disasters and sorrows and tears,
And begged and pleaded and strongly implored
to repent of their evil ways and obey the Lord.

But the people continued to disobey God's Laws
Always refusing to heed God's life-giving cause,
Taken as a nation into bondage and slavery and woe,
It took God's chosen people 400 years to know

What had been clearly intended and meant
By all the prophets, teachers and seers he had sent.
And then forgetting the freedom they could win,
Plunged more deeply into depravity and sin.

So God pitied a world that was lost and undone,
By sending a redeemer, His one and only Son,
Who came into the world so gentle and so meek
And died for the lost souls he had come to seek.

He gave his life-blood in pain and untold agony
Because God made a way you and I can be free,
By sending his son Jesus, to die on Calvary's hill,
Redemption for our sin and stubborn will.

And if we but repent of our wickedness and shame
And call upon God in Jesus precious name.
He will fill our lives and set us forever free,
And we'll be with him in Heaven for eternity

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope