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Most people have heard the song "Amazing Grace,
Seen the words in a book or on a screen,
Some have mouthed the words ignoring
Their depth or what they really mean,

But simply continue their careless way,
Not knowing that their soul is lost,
That they will one day stand in Judgement
And must pay sin's terrible cost.

They don't realize that all along
The answer was Calvary's cross,
The dying Savior who hung there
And suffered the Pain and the Loss.

And the Grace so amazing in the song
Is the love expressed by that word,
And joy emanating from the soul set free
is the sweetest sound ever heard.

That soul learned that the Amazing Grace
Reached clear down to her or Him,
And executed the complete turn-around
Of a life that was empty and dim.

The Culmination is the blessing
That falls upon you and me
When we tell the story of Jesus,
And witness that Soul set free.

Around God's throne altogether
We'll meet Our Savior face to face,
And in joyful harmony we will sing
Of his wondrous "Amazing Grace".

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope