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Graduation Day

There's always something in our lives,
A goal for which we strive,
A project for which we aim,
The reason why we're alive.

Because there must be an incentive,
A plateau we try to reach,
A valuable lesson from someone
God gave the ability to teach.

Who also received the power
To let you hear God speak
When you read God's Word
And the meaning seems so bleak.

And shows the brink of wisdom
And knowledge for that hour,
And when you've reached the summit,
You, too, can have that power.

The requirement is study
and reviewing lessons and books,
Attacking a subject determined,
No matter how hard it looks.

The drive is to reach the summit
With enough knowledge in your brain
That you can be God's vessel
And worthwhile to ordain.

Those who have reached that goal
A utensil God can use,
Keep your mind open always
For Lessons He can infuse.

He will inspire you daily
To use the things you've learned,
Receiving in honor and dignity
The awards that you have earned.

Reaching the world for Jesus
Who's with you all the way,
Using what you've learned, for this
Is graduation day.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope