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The Mother Hen

Everywhere there are little farms out in the countryside,
Places where cows and turkeys, pigs and chickens abide.
And every spring the little chicks are hatched by the Mother Hen,
Each day she lets them out and calls them in again.

They come out from under her wings and scatter around the yard,
Mad while the chicks are foraging, Mother hen is standing guard.
For while she appears to be busy she is casting a wary eye,
Watching for dangers that lurk, especially from the sky.

Hawks, Owls and Falcons and other searching birds of prey,
Would not hesitate to take a wand'ring baby chick away.
So Mother Hen clucks constantly while pecking at the ground,
And the chicks wander about safely, hearing the contented sound.

But if the Mother Hen should spot a hunter overhead
Her clucks would change to sounds of impending dread
And all the chicks would run in the fear her clucking brings
And quickly dash for safety, underneath her shelt'ring wings.

Just like the Mother Hen, God gives a warning sound,
In His Word, In John Chapter 3 Verse 16 is where it's found.
The Wanderer, caught in Sin, is surely bound for Hell,
Can loose the Hold Sin has on him and escape the doom as well.

He can flee to the Arms of Jesus, who will lift him from the mire,
And give him the assurance that He's now saved from Hell's Fire
That God has fully forgiven all the sins of his past,
He's no longer in danger, he's a Child of God at last.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope