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When praying in the garden, Jesus, God's only son,
Said: "Father, not my will, but thine be done,"
Since it was clearly God's will that Jesus must die,
Must shed his blood at Calvary without even asking why.

It was by His obedience that we were set free
From the curse of sin Jesus bore for you and me.
There was never any doubt as He faced the Cross alone,
That the Blood He shed there would fully atone -

For the sin in our past, the wrongs that we have done,
And we enter eternity when life's race is fully run.
Because Christ arose conquering death and hell,
fulfilling all the curse of the Law as well.

So great is God's love, that when Jesus died
A place for us in heaven, eternally, was then supplied.
And with that death, the promise that we belong to him
With souls brilliantly alive, that were once cold and dim.

The grisly penalty had been a bloody sacrifice,
And only Jesus was able to pay the ultimate price.
God's requirement was met and Jesus did it willingly,
Showing the whole world his love for you and me.

Now all that wasn't done for just you and me alone
But his wonderful love for the whole world was shown,
When He made a way to avoid hell's awful flame,
Simply confess our sin and believe on Jesus name.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope