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Holy Spirit Power

Most People believe that Jesus took away their Sin,
And gave them all the peace of love and joy within.
Their lives full of happiness that sets them apart
From all those who do not have Jesus in their heart.

Drastically changed from what they were before,
The difference in their lives made their spirits soar.
So Engrossed in God and in knowing that they are His,
They fail to realize, - that isn't all there is.

Without knowing all that God has for his child,
They go on their way completely reconciled
With their belief that what Jesus came to Earth for
Was so men wouldn't worry about Hell any more.

But if the words of Jesus had been faithfully read,
They would have known what He meant when He said:
After He had gone home to his Father in Heaven,
Described in John chapter sixteen, Verse seven,

I am sending another comforter, after I am dead,
And he will remind you of everything I have said.
Now it is clear that the words of Jesus are true,
And that the Holy Spirit was sent to me and you

But in First Corinthians Twelve, verses one through ten
We find that the Holy Spirit gave gifts unto men,
With power to follow and to serve the Lord,
And authority not given by any church board.

As The Holy Spirit's vessel, Giving him mouth and mind,
More satisfaction serving Jesus than you can elsewhere find,
A special utensil that God can minister through
So that others may be won to Jesus through you.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope)

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope