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Heavenly Strength

There have been twinges of doubt that cause you pain
Because you don't want them there,
And you seek assurance from a heavenly plane
while perfect peace is rare.
On a day-to-day basis you thrive on the love and promises in my word,
And at times you wonder if it was really my voice you heard.

At times you feel me near in your thoughts and words each day,
And although you know in your heart I am never far away.
You know it isn't doubt you feel when the closeness isn't there,
It's just that my presence makes your world so much easier to bear.

Now, when a Mother Eagle pushes the fledgeling from the nest,
It is never because she thinks the fledgeling needs a test,
Her love is as strong as ever, though the nest is very high,
she knows with innate wisdom, that, her baby needs to fly!

Now, maybe the first time or two it falls toward the ground,
Feeling so deserted, that Mother Eagle's not around.
Not knowing that Mother Eagle was right there all the time,
And catches the fledgeling on her back and then begins to climb

Back up on high, and deposits the fledgeling gently in the nest,
And with fluttering heart and gasping breath it crouches down to rest.
But soon she pushes the fledgeling out of the nest again.
It falls, and flutters, and flaps, and without really knowing when,

It levels off, stronger now, and begins to soar on high.
What a glorious feeling of elation comes when he knows that HE CAN FLY!
Now, your heavenly Father, like the eagle, knows the strength you need,
And though He lets you struggle alone, He is very close indeed.

And just before any situation becomes more than you can bear,
You feel Him, reassuring, showing you HE WAS ALWAYS THERE.
But, unlike the Eagle, that allows the fledgeling to continue on his own,
Your Father never allows His child to face the world alone,

But encourages you to step out and meet the world head on,
And find your strength increasing with each bright new dawn.
But you have to venture forward, and when you've made the start,
If you should falter, you Father will surely do his part

And gently guide you onward so that whenever you may call
You'll know that though He let you fly, HE never left at all,
But He's teaching you the strength you need to live in a world of sin,
And preparing you for the work ahead: the souls that you must win.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope