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It Is Time

The scene is a young couple, living happily
Expecting a new baby in two days, maybe three
His fingers on her shoulder in a tender caress
Tells her of his love that He'll forever profess.

He takes careful note of the expression on her face,
And puts his arm around her in a loving embrace.
"Is it time yet" he asks, as He motions toward the door,
"No" she replies, "Just a day or so more".

So aware is he, of the life within her girth
And that shortly she is going to give birth
He has a sense of urgency and feels he cannot wait
The Hospital is so far, and they mustn't be late.

He is growing impatient and is at her beck and call,
Trying to reassure her, nothing could befall,
And as the Grandfather clock in the corner begins to chime
He asks the hourly question, "Darling, is it time?"

As we watch the scene changes another view appears,
It is that archenemy that every human fears.
It is Satan Himself, the one about whom you've heard
And the horde of Demons who await his commanding word.

Eagerly waiting with shouts of disdainful mirth,
For the bottomless pit to open and they cover the earth.
Preparing pits of Acid and Fire and Boiling slime,
Ready for unbelievers, and ask, Master is it time?

The scene again changes and a third view appears
Saints gathered around God's throne, the end time nears.
Myriad's of Angels chanting Glory to God's Holy Son,
Awaiting the time when God says "It's done."

Thousands of preachers, begging sinners to hear,
And come to Jesus now, for the time is growing near
Souls being lifted from Earth's muck and mire
Escaping the Abyss and Hell's furious fire.

Meanwhile on Earth wars, and rumors of wars,
Hell has now ready and enlarged her doors
Dictators now share the same bitter cup
For Earth is about to blow itself up.

The Wealthy and famous look on and nod
While all heaven awaits the word from God
That the saints have borne the final evil, the last crime
And tells Jesus "Bring home my Children, for it is time

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope