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The Impotent Man

In Jerusalem was a Temple, far and wide its fame
At God's command it was built, a tribute to his name.
Erected by King Solomon at astronomical expense,
Enduring for centuries, its atmosphere hurried and tense.

One of its gates called beautiful was on the main thoroughfare,
Accessible by many people who came for worship and prayer.
In God's Word it's recorded, in the book of Acts chapter three,
Daily, in verse two, a lame man was placed there for all to see.

Carried and placed there to beg from people passing by,
Lame from birth, He was about to beg as peter and John drew nigh.
"Look upon us" Peter then said", "I don't have any silver or gold,
And having said those words, In the Spirit, He became very bold."

And being in the Spirit, Peter did a little more than talk,
Taking the man by the hand He said: "In Jesus name rise up and walk".
Taking the lame man by the right hand, lifted him to his feet,
Who began leaping and praising God, right there in the street.

Seizing opportunity they preached the Gospel to those gathered there.
And about five thousand men became Christians when they heard the pair.
Who preached the way of Salvation, the Messiah they were hoping for,
Jesus had given them eternal life, they didn't have to hope any more.

Those apostles lives were hideous for teaching in Jesus Name
But that didn't stop them, they witnessed for Him Just the same.
Now, you may not be harassed for being a Christian today,
But it may mean death for preaching, a debt you may have to pay.
But as Christ's servant, continue reading and believing God's word,
Listening intently for the voice of the Holy Spirit to be heard.
When He tells you to be diligent to heal the sick today,
Lifting to their feet the lame ones that you meet along the way.

Suffering evil persecution, just like Peter and John,
Who ignored every consequence or obstacle they came upon
Depending on Jesus completely to guide and see them through,
And if you only trust Him, He'll do the same for you.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope