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Is It Time?

The Master of the Universe has been waiting patiently
Two thousand years, for people like you and me.
But People who have not accepted him as Lord
Nor have known all the promises Heaven can afford.

He's waiting for the Father who sits upon the Throne
To tell Jesus "It's time to go and get your own."
And tell Gabriel "Blow that final trumpet blast
For those who don't know me, the time is now past

That they can claim Jesus as their Savior and Lord,
And join the millions who with one accord
Will rise to meet Him as He breaks through the clouds,
And not be one of the remaining crowds
Who gnash their teeth and tear their skin
Because they missed their chance to let Jesus in.
For years they had said "I'll accept Jesus soon
But now they are singing a different tune

Because they will never view Heaven's gate,
But instead, condemned, will have to await
The final Judgment around the throne
Where Jesus will be first to claim His own

Then all the rest will stand, condemned,
To Hell, where the fire is never stemmed
Anguish and pain is all they'll ever see
Because they are judged for eternity.

And now, before that happens, you can pray
Jesus Forgive me; I accept you today,
Miss all the judgments that are in this Poem,
And know instantly heaven will be your final Home

Join the Millions who sing and praise
The name of Jesus all their days
And one day rise to Meet Him in the sky,
And reign forever; with Him, on High.

By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope