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John Chapter Three

In God's word it's recorded that a man of Prestige and wealth
Came to call on Jesus in darkness and in stealth..
Nicodemas, a Pharisee and a ruler of the Jews,
A Sanhedron member whom Jesus would not refuse,

Though He came by night Jesus knew from the start,
Here was a man with The Kingdom on his heart.
So Jesus gave an answer to his question there and then:
"To enter in God's Kingdom, You must be born again."

This surprised the Hebrew Master, his fears began to loom
As he said: "Can a man re-enter into his Mother's womb?"
Jesus said: "You must be born of water and of Spirit,
The wind blows where it will and you can only hear it.

And everyone born of the Spirit is free."
Nicodemas said: "How can these things be?"
Jesus said: "Are you a master of Israel and don't know?
These are the things that we testify and show.

If you don't believe when I have told you Earthly things,
How will you believe if I say what heaven brings?
As Moses lifted up the serpent in the Wilderness,
So the Son of man can suffer no less.

For God so loved his only begotten son
That whoever believes on him has eternal life won.
He who has heard but has not received
Is already condemned because he has not believed

This is the condemnation that now has come light,
But men who are evil prefer the darkness of night
But He whom the truth and the light has sought
Has made manifest that in God he is wrought."

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope