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It is hard to define the Son of God because He always was
His name compares to ALWAYS because of what it does.
With no beginning or ending, He's like infinity
He's the word of the living God, throughout Eternity.

And because He is God Almighty with thoughts so far above ours
To save the world from sin He had to counteract Satan's power's
The Penalty for sin was death, He himself created the price,
The only atonement for man's sin was a bloody Sacrifice.

But the blood of birds and animals merely covered up their sin,
And the race that God created never had peace within.
A perfect and Righteous God created a Master Plan
The blood that would save the world was that of a sinless man.

And the only acceptable man was Jesus, God's own precious Son
Announcing to the world that Jesus and God are one.
His blood was shed at Calvary, he was buried in a tomb as well,
The one and only Sacrifice that will save our souls from Hell.

He took our blame, our shame, that we might be made free
And the third day He arose from the grave in mighty victory.
Satan and Hell are defeated, "He's alive" is the glorious sound
The angels singing in Victory, our souls are heaven bound.

He went with disciples to Bethany, they saw him ascend on high
forever making intercession to the Father that you and I
Might join the heavenly chorus in a message to all men
The time is growing short for Jesus is coming to earth again.

He is coming for those who are ready and given their hearts to Him
Their lamps trimmed and ready, their lights nevermore dim,
Leaving behind all sorrow sin and pain
For Jesus as He said, is coming to earth again.

By F. W. (Lucky)Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope