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Jonah And The Great Fish

There's a story in the Bible, some call it Jonah and the whale,
Because it's been adulterated into an old fairy tale.
But if you look in the Bible, that's not really what it said,
"God prepared a great fish" is how that passage read.

Jonah was a prophet and his gift was being deployed,
To go preach in Nineveh that their city would be destroyed.
But Jonah rebelled and decided to travel to a different place,
He would leave God's presence behind but that was not the case,

Which tells a lot about Jonah, because right from the start,
He wasn't thinking straight or just wasn't very smart.
He tried to leave God's presence, Which we know is everywhere,
He didn't want to save a City, which God planned to spare.

At the Harbor He boarded a ship going the other way,
The ship went out to Sea on a warm and breezy day.
But the Lord sent a great wind and the Tempest was so great
The Seamen all were terrified, they thought they'd met their fate.

Jonah acknowledged then, the Storm was all His fault,
If they would throw Him overboard, the storm would quickly halt.
The Seamen took a vote, they were scared as they could be,
They took Jonah at his word, and threw Him in the Sea.

The raging Storm calmed instantly, the Sea was smooth as glass,
and Jonah could not be seen, they were sure his life would pass.
Jonah had become dinner to a Huge fish God Prepared,
Jonah was disobedient. The Lord showed He still cared.

It was pitch black and stunk in the fish's Huge inside,
And for three days Jonah had his place to hide.
God spoke and the fish vomited Jonah upon the shore,
Jonah's life was spared and God commanded Him once more -

Go, preach that Nineveh will be destroyed in just forty days,
Every one of them will die unless hey change their ways.
All the people repented, Honored and worshiped the Lord.
God spared their lives because they were in one accord.

The Moral of this Story is that Jonah finally obeyed,
God's Judgment against 120,000 people was stayed.
The Prophet was indignant because God changed His mind,
And was actually Angry because God had been kind.

So don't be like the Prophet, even though you have a gift.
If you obey God, His final Judgment He may lift.
Even though you may be in a rebellious rut,
I doubt that you'll find yourself inside a fish's gut.

If God has spoken about a problem that you face,
God will not likely change His mind, nor will He erase.
Just Go ahead and do whatever God tells you to do
Or God may have a Spiritual fish waiting just for you.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope