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There was a lad named Joseph
In ancient Bible days,
Whose Father always taught him
To honor God in all his ways.

His Mother died in Childbirth
In his very early youth
And had ten older brothers
Who were evil and uncouth'

He was his Father's favorite
And His Brothers filled with hate,
When He had a dream one night
In which He was very great.

His Father sent him some distance
To where His Brothers kept the flocks.
They saw him coming and said
Aha, opportunity knocks.

They sold Him into slavery
A lad of seventeen,
To a High ranking Egyptian,
And his merits were soon seen.

He refused all the advances
of his Master's sinful wife
And her lies caused him
To experience prison life.

After more than two years
The King had a disturbing night
In which He had a dream
That left Him filled with fright.

His fortune-tellers and magicians
Couldn't help the king, it seems,
Then He heard of Joseph's integrity
And that He could interpret dreams.

So He sent for Joseph who told him
A great famine was about to occur,
And that He should select the wisest
Of all the great men there were,

Who would gather corn and provisions
Throughout the entire land,
A man with wisdom and integrity
To satisfy hunger's demand.

So the King elevated Joseph to the
Position second to the King,
And placed Him in full command
Of Everybody and Everything.

Now His Brothers came to Egypt
In order to buy some food,
And didn't recognize this great man
With whom they had been so rude.

When they discovered who Joseph was
They considered themselves but dead,
But Joseph being a man of God,
Treated them well instead.

Like Joseph, wherever you go
There are a great many souls in sin
But, like Joseph, you will lead them
If you have God's Holy Spirit within.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope 7/3/08

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope