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The Night Before Jungle Christmas

(Somewhere in the Philipine Islands 1946)

T'was the night before Christmas and all through the yard,
Not a creature was stirring, not even the guard.
My Socks weren't hung; T'was such a disgrace,
For alas, in my tent there was no fireplace.

My friends in their shorts and I in my shoes,
Had just settled down for a tropical snooze.
When out in the area there arose such a clatter,
That I sprang from my bunk to see what was the matter.

I became so entangled in my mosquito net,
That if no one had helped me. I'd be there yet.
Then very cautiously I pulled back the flaps,
Expecting to see a battalion of Japs.

But to my amazement, I saw there instead,
The famous St. Nick in his suit of bright red.
He sat in his sled, which was pulled by six Jeeps,
As they bounced along gaily in short bounds and leaps.

Then they came to a halt and away Santa went,
and then very suddenly He was there in my tent.
He was chuckllng so merrily, that his fat little belly
Just like in the Poem, was shaking like Jelly.

And then I wondered, I was sure t'was a gag
When I noticed his pack was a blue barracks bag.
Then He reached in his bag, and without hesitation
Turned to my tentmate with a pack of K Rations.

He dug in again and came up with some Spam,
C ration, cookies and Bully beef Ham .
Then He remarked there was work He must do,
So He raised a plump finger and away He flew.

I dashed to the tent flap and was able to see
St. Nick in his sled, waving to me.
"Away Willis" "Away Ford", Was his cry in the night,
And in no time at all He was clear out of sight.

I'll still have to laugh when I'm ancient and droll
At the thought of St. Nick sliding down the tent Pole.
That's all there is to it; the story is through,
But before I sign off, here's my wish to you:


By F.W. (Lucky) Hope

Humerous Poems by Lucky Hope