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The Lamb of God

When Jesus walked the paths of the ancient Holy land,
His disciples and followers couldn't fully understand
Why He went into the wilderness to pray in solitude,
Or the meaning of his parables, they just wanted food.

Because He always provided for them wherever He went,
And gave extra powers to all of those He sent.
He delivered from infirmities and even raised the dead,
There was wisdom and authority in every word He said.

He was followed by crowds and hardly ever alone
To commune with the Father. He was so well known
That Pharisees and Saducees burned with rage
Because His popularity had turned a new Page

In the Law. And their traditions and rituals were at stake,
And many, many Followers were no longer in their wake
But craved to be with Jesus and hear His gentle voice,
Confessing their sin and making Him their choice.

He shared His wisdom and destroyed their fears,
Teaching and Leading them for Three and-a-half years.
At last a treacherous Disciple betrayed Him with a kiss,
The Scribes and Priests sought betrayal such as this.

He was falsely accused, a mocking trial took place,
They stripped Him, Beat Him and spat in His face
They abused Him then nailed him upon a wooden Cross,
And each one contemplated taunts and jeers to toss.

Giving up the Ghost as the words of hate were hurled,
He laid his life down for the sins of the world,
Three days and nights Jesus lay in the grave,
purchasing our Freedom with the Blood that He gave

He rose from the dead and reigns victoriously
And He's making intercession for you and me
And we escape the fiery flames of Eternal Hell,
And with Jesus in Mansions of Glory dwell.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope